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Washing the Dishes

17 January 2012

Sorry it’s been so silent here on UTNT. The start of the quarter combined with travel shenanigans have seemed to use up my free time.

Rest assured I haven’t forgotten about this space. I’m not short on ideas either, just room in my schedule to get to them all.

Today, I wanted to drop in and share an easy recipe for dishwasher detergent I found. My roommates and I had run out of our store brand and I was determined to make more from products I had on hand. It was super easy and has been working really well.

Mix 1 cup salt, 2 cups borax, and 2 cups baking soda together.  Put into airtight container.  Use two tablespoons per load of dishes.  Use either vinegar or lemon juice in the rinse compartment to remove residue from dishes.  (The lemi-shine mentioned in the recipe serves the same purpose.  I didn’t have any of that.)

Just make sure you fill the rinse compartment with vinegar to make sure you don’t have any residue on your dishes. The vinegar scent is unnoticeable when the dishes dry, I promise.

If you try this out, let me know how it works.

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